On August 6, 2020, the EastWest Institute’s Global Cooperation in Cyberspace program (now the ORF America Cyberspace Cooperation Initiative) and the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore jointly hosted Global Cyber Policy Dialogues: Southeast Asia. This discussion-driven meeting included participants representing governments, businesses, civil society organizations and universities from across Southeast Asia. The meeting opened with presentations on emerging technologies, international norms processes and capacity building all in the context of Southeast Asia and with an eye towards the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. A summary of the meeting can be found at the bottom of this page.
Featured Speakers:
David Koh, Chief Executive, Cyber Security Agency of Singapore
Carmen Gonsalves, Head, International Cyber Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
Elina Noor, Visiting Fellow, Institute of Strategic and International Studies Malaysia
Chris Painter, President, Global Forum on Cyber Expertise Foundation
Shashi Jayakumar, Senior Fellow and Head of Centre of Excellence for National Security, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies
Bruce W. McConnell, President and CEO, EastWest Institute