Energy & climate
ORF America is invested in examining ongoing energy transitions in the United States and the developing world, including the implications of new technologies, questions of access and energy security, sources of financing, the role of the private sector, and the alignment with pollution policies.
By Medha Prasanna
The latest nuclear policy steps – and technological advances in SMRs – pave the way for new kinds of cooperation between the United States and India.
By Caroline Arkalji
How can India’s transition to green energy ensure that new job opportunities are accessible to all workers, especially those in carbon-intensive industries?
By Caroline Arkalji
How are Global South nations tackling the challenges that arise with rapid urbanization?
By Medha Prasanna
Will the outcome of this November’s presidential election result in a large shift in the United States' climate and energy relationship with India, or will policy remain the same no matter who is leading the United States?
Recent Events:
Background Paper No. 30
By Veronica Jijon
This volume of short working papers is a product of ORF America’s U.S.-India Emerging Climate Leaders as they attempt to develop ideas around climate collaboration and communication for the United States and India.
Special Report
By Abigail Doerr, Amol Kapoor, Bhagyashri Kulkarni, Dhruva Jaishankar, Jonika Rathi, Karan Sinha, Lindsay Maizland, Medha Prasanna, Meenakshi Venkatraman, Miaoru Guan, Mridu Jhangiani, Pankaj Mahalle, Patrick Soltis, Paul Gordon, Perrin Krisko, Sabareesh Suresh, Tanya Kak, Vandita Sariya, Vanshica Kant, and Vedant Patil
Editors: Caroline Arkalji, Jeffrey D. Bean, and Medha Prasanna
Background Paper No. 27
By Medha Prasanna
Background Paper No. 24
By Peter Jarka-Sellers
Ongoing armed conflicts in Europe and the Middle East and a fractured trade relationship between the world’s two largest economies, the United States and China, mean the energy transition cannot take economic integration and its accompanying benefits for granted.
Special Report
By Raj Sawhney, Shayak Sengupta, and Gregory Wischer
Editor: Shayak Sengupta
By Kirat Singh, Tapas Peshin, Shayak Sengupta, Sumil K Thakrar, Christopher W Tessum, Jason D Hill, Inês M L Azevedo and Stephen P Luby
Absolute annual mortality ranges from less than 1 to over 650 deaths/year across units, and the mortality intensity of generation varies from under 0.002 to 0.43 deaths/GWh.
By Tapas Peshin, Shayak Sengupta, Sumil K Thakrar, Kirat Singh, Jason Hill, Joshua S Apte, Christopher W Tessum, Julian D Marshall and Inês M L Azevedo
Higher increases in pollution exposure are seen in scheduled castes/tribes, poor, and rural populations particularly in high coal production states.
Background Paper No. 22
By Gregory Wischer
Background Paper No. 21
By Gregory Wischer
By Shayak Sengupta and Abhinav Jindal
A close look at India's relationship to Just Energy Transition Partnerships.
By Shayak Sengupta
Without concerted policy efforts to incorporate the eastern states into India’s renewable fold, the region risks being left behind in reaping the benefits of transition.
By Shayak Sengupta, Medha Prasanna and Peter Jarka-Sellers
The Agenda 2030 Partnership builds on nearly two decades of cooperation between the US and India on energy and climate issues.
By Shayak Sengupta and Sagatom Saha
The Inflation Reduction Act is Washington’s boldest climate policy ever—but still woefully insufficient.
Background Paper No. 15
By Shayak Sengupta
Background Paper No. 14
By Peter Jarka-Sellers and Shayak Sengupta
By Shayak Sengupta, Neha Khanna, Casper Sonesson, Daniel Suryadarma, Aanandita Sikka, Edoardo Tancioni, Sagatom Saha, Budy Resosudarmo
Economywide decarbonization is essential for achieving the climate goals set in the Paris Agreement.
By Shayak Sengupta, and Sagatom Saha
The era of green subsidies is shaping the transition to a cleaner future, but, absent global cooperation, developing countries risk being left behind.
By Shayak Sengupta
So far, the Biden administration has relied on a series of ad hoc agreements to deal with international reactions from the IRA, but it needs a proactive approach.
The focus of this issue of the U.S.-India Energy Monitor is hydrogen in the United States and India.
Special Report
By Shayak Sengupta, Medha Prasanna, and Peter Jarka-Sellers
By Shayak Sengupta, Sumil K Thakrar, Kirat Singh, Rahul Tongia, Jason D. Hill, Ines M. L. Azevedo, and Peter J. Adams
Air pollution and greenhouse gases from India's coal-dominant electricity system causes widespread, premature deaths in the country.
The focus of this issue of the U.S.-India Energy Monitor is natural gas in the United States and India.
Special Report
By Shayak Sengupta
By Shayak Sengupta, Peter Adams, Thomas Deetjen, Puneet Kamboj, Swati D'Souza, Rahul Tongia, and Inês Azevedo
Electricity consumption and emissions of states in India are similar to differences between those of entire countries.
India Climate Update is produced by Observer Research Foundation America (ORF America), Observer Research Foundation (ORF) and facilitated and distributed by ClimateWorks Foundation.
The focus of this issue of the U.S.-India Energy Monitor is the wind sector in the United States and India.
Special Report
By Shayak Sengupta & Jahanvi Singh
A focus of this issue is the coal sector in the United States in India.
Special Report
By Shayak Sengupta & Jahanvi Singh
By Shayak Sengupta, Thomas Spencer, Neshwin Rodrigues, Raghav Pachouri, Shubham Thakare, Peter Adams, Rahul Tongia, Inês Azevedo
As electricity demand and living standards in India increase, the country will plug in new technology like electric vehicles and air conditioners.
By Tapas Peshin, Shayak Sengupta, and Inês Azevedo
Compared to their conventional counterparts, electric vehicles may reduce greenhouse gas emissions in many states in India, but also increase air pollution from electricity generation because most Indian coal plants do not control their air pollution emissions.
By Shayak Sengupta & Rama T. Ponangi
India’s nuclear isolation came to an end with the help of civilian nuclear deals with the United States and its allies. Yet Russia has more influence on the Indian nuclear power market.