From December 10-12, ORF and ORF America hosted a Governance Talks for alumni of the Raisina Young Fellows Program, also known as the Asian Forum on Global Governance (AFGG). The program included networking lunches and dinners, as well as discussions on The United States and the World after 2024, Security, Business, and Tech in a Changing World, Competing Multilateralism, and Cooperative Resilience against the Climate Crisis.
The alumni network of the Raisina Young Fellows Programme and its sister forum, the Bucerius Summer School, Hamburg, is 1600 strong, with representatives from over 100 countries. Alumni engage regularly through the bi-annual Governance Talks, designed as conferences where contemporary questions on economics, politics, and society are discussed.
Sara Ahmadian, Founder, AnarVC
Peter Aukamp, Senior Advisor at Kingsrock Advisors LLC / OceanSafe AG / Good Carbon GmbH
Carl Bildt, Former Prime Minister, Sweden
Aleksandra Chmielewska, Program Partnerships Manager, Giga/UNICEF
Grant Cuprak, U.S. Department of Defense
Kanchi Gupta, Program Manager, Climate Works Foundation
Manuel Hartung, CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board, Zeit Stiftung Bucerius
Dhruva Jaishankar, Executive Director, ORF America
Pavel Luzin, Visiting scholar at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (Tufts University); Senior non-resident fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis; Senior fellow at the Jamestown Foundation
Tadashi Maeda, Chairman of the Board, Japan Bank of International Cooperation
Rajeev Mantri, Founder & Managing Partner, Navam Capital
Dhivya Ravikumar, Markets Development Advisory Specialist, Asian Development Bank
Eberhard Sandschneider, Partner, Berlin Global Advisors, Dean Bucerius Summer School on Global Governance
Samir Saran, President, Observer Research Foundation
Marian Vidauri, Doctor of International Affairs