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2nd Technology Alliances and International Cooperation Workshop

  • ORF America 1100, 17th Street, NW Washington, DC, 20036 (map)

As leading countries and technology companies make investments and undertake measures to protect supply chains and intellectual property, expand research and development, and rightshore advanced manufacturing, coordinating efforts and measures through diplomatic exchange, information sharing, and government to industry coordination loom large for preserving U.S. technological leadership and national security.    

On May 8-9, 2024, ORF America hosted our second workshop on Technology Alliances and International Cooperation in Washington, DC. The two-day workshop brought together 35 policy and technology experts.

Led by ORF America’s Dr. Andreas Kuehn and Jeffrey Bean, the workshop convened leading experts from industry, think tanks, academia, and government to discuss how the United States and like-minded, democratic countries can effectively cooperate on critical and emerging technologies to manage technology competition with adversaries, while balancing national security and economic interests. The Honorable Nazak Nikakhtar, former Assistant Secretary for Industry and Analysis at the International Trade Administration who also fulfilled the duties of the Under Secretary for Industry and Security at Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security, provided keynote remarks. 

The workshop covered the current state of technology partnerships in the context of geopolitical and geoeconomic competition, and efforts to cooperate on promotion and protection measures, with specific emphasis on the semiconductor and the 5G/6G/ORAN technological ecosystems. Participants also discussed how bilateral and minilateral arrangements may develop in the near future.