India Climate Update is produced by Observer Research Foundation America (ORF America), Observer Research Foundation (ORF) and facilitated and distributed by ClimateWorks Foundation.
The Promise and Perils of AI Partnerships
Understanding the UN Cyber Norms Processes as Conflict Management Tools
How China plays on inter-race ties in the US
India can leverage economic partnership with US if it addresses domestic bottlenecks
Preserving fundamental rights while moderating online content
How The Quad Can Match The Hype
Indo-Pacific 5G survey: Connections and conflict
Exploring India’s Economic Diplomacy with the U.S.
Defending Forward: U.S. Cyber Strategy and Its Implications for Cybersecurity in Asia
Smart Cities as Large Technological Systems: Collective Action Problems as Organizational Barriers to Urban Digital Transformation
By Dr. Andreas Kuehn, Jared Mondschein, and Aaron Clark-Ginsberg
Originally published in Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 67